UL 3741 Compliance for Pv Hazard Control

Since its release in late 2020, UL 3741, the Standard for Photovoltaic Hazard Control, has quickly become a critical resource for solar installers to meet stringent rapid shutdown requirements. With this standard now incorporated into the 2020 National Electric Code (NEC) under section 690.12 B (2), UL 3741 offers a more compliant, safer pathway for solar installations—and a robust alternative to traditional rapid shutdown solutions.

Maintaining SOLAR Installation Integrity

A vital component in achieving UL 3741 compliance is effective wire management. We know that ensuring all wiring is carefully routed is essential for installation integrity and the safety of first responders who might need rooftop access during emergencies. Routing wires under the solar modules or through a listed raceway system between arrays reduces exposure to potential hazards, promoting installer safety and long-term reliability. 

At EcoFasten, we’re proud to have achieved UL 3741 compliance for our installer-favorite solar racking systems RockIt and ClickFit, marking a big step forward in meeting NEC requirements and raising safety standards in the solar industry. This certification underscores our commitment to providing secure, dependable solar racking solutions, contributing to a safer, more compliant industry.


The UL 3741-compliant RockIt and ClickFit Systems can be designed without incorporating Module-Level Power Electronics (MLPE). By using Photovoltaic Rapid Shutdown Equipment (PVRSE), such as the Tesla Mid-Circuit Interrupter (MCI), the overall component count can be significantly reduced, resulting in greater reliability and lower service costs.


The EcoFasten RockIt and ClickFit systems are listed to UL 3741 with Tesla’s MCI-2 Photovoltaic Rapid Shutdown Equipment (PVRSE) in combination with either a Tesla PV Inverter, Powerwall+, or Powerwall 3 Power Conversion System (PCS). Clickfit and Rockit are also listed to UL 3741 with MidNite Solar’s PVRSE (MNSSR-600S-SS) in combination with select Solis 4G Grid-Tied Inverters with integrated APsmart PLC Transmitter and the Solis HV Home Energy Storage Inverter with Integrated APsmart PLC Transmitter. Guidance on system configurations with third-party equipment is outlined in the UL 3741 Installation Addendums.